Best Doctors and Hospitals related to Normal Delivery

Last updated on Saturday, March 15, 2025


Before some weeks of the delivery the following symptoms may occur:

  • Micturition in excess.
  • Contractions in the lower part of the back.
  • Cervix dilation.
  • Before some days or hours:
  • Vaginal discharge may increase and become thicker.
  • Stronger contractions.
  • Rupture of the amniotic sac causes water breaking.
  • Severe back pain.

Pre-Procedure Guideline

There are three phases of the vaginal delivery process:

1.First Phase
The first phase is the largest and can last for 13 hours at the time of 1st delivery. This phase further breaks down into three stages: latent labor, active labor, and transition.

  • Early Labor(latent)
    Contractions occur between 3-5 minutes, the cervix dilates from 0-4 centimeters, and a slightly pink discharge may come from the vagina at this stage. This situation lasts 6-10 hours in the first pregnancy and may be different in later ones. You should tell your doctor about this condition.’
  • Active Labor
    Contractions become intense and come after short intervals in active labor. During this phase, the cervix dilates from 4-7 centimeters, and vaginal discharge bursts at this stage. In this situation, the patient should be taken to the hospital necessarily.
  • Transition Labour
     Contractions become acute and last for 60 to 90 seconds. The cervix dilates up to 10 centimeters, followed by severe pain.

2.Second Phase 
In this phase, the mother starts pushing the baby to deliver. In the second phase, contractions become too intense that the mother feels tired, and the vagina dilates completely and becomes painful.

3.Third Phase
The third phase is Afterbirth when the placenta comes out via a vaginal opening. Rubbing the lower belly can assist it.

When to Call Your Doctor?

If you or your family member have the symptoms of Normal delivery, book your appointment online with the best-renowned gynecologist in the comfort of your home. Additionally, You must inform your doctor at the latent stage of labor. Don’t worry about finding a doctor, as DoctorFindy assists you in this regard. DoctorFindy is an online health portal that provides you with different health facilities from all over the country. We provide a list of public and private sector hospitals, lists of certified medical experts, and facilities for lab tests, regular checkups, and video consultations with the best doctors from top cities in Pakistan. Even after your delivery, you can arrange a schedule to meet your doctor with the help of DoctorFindy.


The doctor cuts the perineum to magnify the vaginal opening that makes a wide passage to pass the head of an infant. The doctor stitches this tear after the procedure.


The doctor cut the perineal region to make it stitch after the baby’s birth to make the healing faster.In the postnatal period, a wound forms in most cases. Usually, it broadens from the vaginal part to the anal part and mends fast. Sometimes it extends down into the anus and becomes complex. It needs redundant care now. The perineal region swells, and the mother feels stinging pain during urination. Visit your doctor when the stitches cause severe pain, lie down, and pour cold water on the perineum after urination.

Recovery Tips

  • Soak the perineum in cold salty water for a few minutes daily until the wound heals.
  • Try to sit on a soft cushion.
  • Keep the area dry, and change the pad frequently.
  • Try not to use sprays or perfumes.
  • Eat vitamin C-rich food or tablets daily.


Some medicines are common like:

  • oxytocics
  • antibiotics
  • Pitocin
  • Dinoprostone
  • Take your medicine as prescribed by your gynecologist.
  • Use probiotics for fungal infections in your diet or in the form of tablets that should contain acidophilus.

Normal Delivery Cost in Pakistan

It depends upon the area and hospital. It costs less in rural areas and high in big cities and private hospitals. It can be 5000 to 30000 rupees.

Benefits of Normal Delivery

  • The woman mends faster in vaginal delivery.
  • The loss of blood is not higher as compared to C-sections.
  • The mother recovers quickly.
  • Lactation and early nursing are caused by it.
  • In a normal delivery, bonding between baby and mother happens faster.
  • Don’t need to stay in the hospital for a long time.
  • Fluid is removed from the lungs of the baby during delivery.
  • Chances of respiratory infections for babies become lesser.

Risk And Complications

  • It may sore or weaken the groin area.
  • Feeble mothers shouldn’t go for it as physical strength is necessary.
  • It can create vaginal tears that lead to vaginal damage in some cases.
  • The mother who has a sexually transmitted disease (STD) should not go for a vaginal delivery.
  • The mother may lose the ability to control urine.

Frequently Asked Questions

It varies from person to person. A physically weak mother or  STD patient shouldn’t go for a vaginal delivery. But it is best for a strong mother as contractions in this process strengthen the baby’s immune system, lessen the risk of respiratory or gastrointestinal diseases, and are also best for the mother in many aspects.
It usually takes 6-8 hours but varies from person to person depending upon the patient’s condition.
• Frequent urination • Cervix dilation • Back pain • Deficiency of coordination • Vaginal discharge may  increase before some days or weeks
Labor contractions in normal delivery excite the gastrointestinal system of newborns and lessen the risk of respiratory infections and strengthen the immune system. It’s the best option for mothers who do not have complications.
Follow some tips to go for normal delivery: • Take a perineal massage regularly. • Keep a watch on your weight. • Choose your doctor wisely. • Maintain your alignment. • Stay away from stress and negativity. • Get cognition about birthing. • Consume a nutritious diet rich in spicy and bromelain-rich foods. • Do exercise, walk, and do yoga as your doctor suggests.
Any chance for bone injuries is rare during normal delivery.